How to ensure your business gets found online

December 7, 2024 12:01 AM

How to ensure your business gets found online

December 7, 2024 12:01 AM

How to ensure your business gets found online

As we enter a season of new beginnings but also austerity for many businesses and the country in general, I’ve been thinking about how best to launch a business into it’s next season of growth cost-effectively and top of my list of marketing strategies is SEO.

When I was thinking about who I wanted to bring on to discuss this topic there was only one option, Rob Stoubos, Founder of Odyssey New Media.

Robert Stoubos is the founder and CEO of Odyssey New Media an Award-Winning UK based Digital Agency who specialise in Digital Marketing and Web Development.

With over 16+ years of experience in Digital Marketing and Web Development Rob has become a results-driven individual with the skills required to successfully implement cross-channel digital campaigns that generate increased brand awareness, sales and ROI.

Since 2005 Rob has worked on many Digital Marketing campaigns and projects for companies that cover a wide range of different sectors across various countries (B2B, B2C, eCommerce, Affiliates, Price Comparison etc.). He has also trained many individuals in Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Strategy during this time.

Here's a few questions we asked her during our live interview, catch thereplay below and subscribe to our YouTube channel

  1. Welcome Rob’, so before we get into the meat of this interview, what is your story and how did we get here?
  1. What is SEO and how has it evolved over the years?
  1. Some people think that having a strong social media presence is enough to get your business found online, a website isn’t necessary, what do you say to that?  
  1. These days people want a quick fix when it comes to marketing, SEO isn’t that but why should companies invest in it anyway?
  1. What are the benefits of hiring an agency like yours to do your SEO as opposed to doing it yourself?
  1. ROI is tricky sometimes when it comes to marketing, business leaders often want to know what sales were attributed to what activity and that’s tricky to do with things like, SEO, content marketing and PR but one of the things I really like about Odyssey New Media is your keyword ROI calculator can you talk to us about that tool and how it works?
  1. When it coms to SEO what are the biggest mistakes you see companies make?
  1. What are the biggest myths you hear about SEO?
  1. If a company want to do something now about improving their search ranking what are some quick wins?
  1. How can people work with you and connect with you?  

Find out Rob’s answers to these questions and more in the video above

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