We exhibited at The Business Show and had the pleasure of running a workshop for start-ups on how to insulate their business against launch failure.
Below is an overview of how we made our mark at the event
A summary of our talk on how to prepare for a successful launch
Let me askyou a question…
Howmany of you have launched something or are thinking of launching?
Howmany of you felt prepared to launch?
Howmany of you think the launches you have been involved in could have gone better?
The facts…
Mostproducts and services escape to market they are not launched
The Standish Group 2015 CHAOS Report* showed that out of all 50,000 projects in the study, 71%failed to meet these three criteria: on time, on budget, and with satisfactoryresults. The problem is even higher for big projects. Medium-sized projects failed at 91% and large projects at 94%
That’s why Iwant to talk to you about how you can launch your business or next venture successfully and avoid the mistakes that cause most to fail
6 tips to prepare yourself for a successful launch
Preparefor the pressure of launching - launchingis can be an emotional rollercoaster. According to a study overseen by the University of California, entrepreneurs are 30%more likely to experience depression than members of the general population. Your well being is the priority and that's the part that manyaren't prepared for. You can be professionally brilliant and still strugglewith the launch process.
Havea practical launch plan, not just a business plan
Focuson longevity not just the launch - think about how you are going to sustain momentum beyond the launch period.
Don’t launch your business in a bubble, considerate the external environment and competitive landscape you are launching into
Keep your optimism in check, a wise person once said "success is found balanced between optimism and realism where it is unhindered by the weight of pessimism"
Meet Katrina Douglas, Founder at The Launch Strategist® - TechRound Feature
Meet Katrina Douglas, Founder at The Launch Strategist®
From corporate employee to entrepreneur - An interview by Emile Vidal Carr
Our Founder Katrina Douglas recently sat down with Emile Vidal Carr to discuss the journey so far, from corporate to business ownership.
Breaking the Bias - An Interview by marketing Agency Marmalade
Breaking the Bias – Words of wisdom from two women who are fighting for diversity, equity, and inclusion in business.
Book Katrina Douglas
Katrina Douglas has inspired business leaders to think big and achieve their dreams for almost two decades.
6 Errors Entrepreneurs Make When Selling A Business!
Our founder delves into 6 errors that Entrepreneurs make when Selling a Business; and how to address them tactfully to ensure success.
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