Breaking the Bias - An Interview by marketing Agency Marmalade

December 7, 2024 12:01 AM

Breaking the Bias - An Interview by marketing Agency Marmalade

December 7, 2024 12:01 AM

Breaking the bias

Words of wisdom from two women who are fighting for diversity, equity, and inclusion in business.

In light of celebrating women and gender equality in March, we reached out to two inspiring women who are #breakingthebias, excelling in their fields and moving the needle.

“We have to work together to achieve the changes we want to see, so we can really role model that behaviour.”

- Sarah Jordan, CEO & Founder Y.O.U. Underwear

Katrina Douglas BsC,Head of Marketing and Communications at FullSpektrum, a tech company providing collaborative and holistic innovations for neurodivergent children, and Sarah Jordan, CEO and Founder of Y.O.U. Underwear, a buy-one give-two ethical underwear business, spoke to Marmalade about what breaking the bias means to them, who their inspirations are, and their advice for the next generation of female leaders.

1. IWD's 2022 theme is #BreakTheBias, how do you think we as a society can help to do this?

Katrina Douglas: We will always develop uninformed opinions and biases about people that we have little first-hand knowledge of. So I think it's important to expand our personal and business networks to include those that are very different to us and genuinely seek to know and understand them. I also think allyship is important, those in more privileged positions should rally alongside marginalised groups to help advance their interests. The work we do at FullSpektrum is a form of allyship for the SEND community to help alleviate many of the biases people have towards people with special education needs.

Read full Interview here

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